The first week of school is almost complete. DD has the teacher that she wanted, has the friends she likes in her class and is having fun with homework. Had DS's first "home visit" from his preschool teacher. He wants to go to school but still is so shy around people he doesn't know. We are trying to settle into a routine but I've got another two weeks before we get to the real routine. DS won't start preschool until the 20th and then another week till we get used to it. I think it will all work out well, at least I'm hoping so.
Re-reading one of my favorite books by my favorite author - Hot Money by Dick Francis. I saw at Barnes & Noble that Dick Francis and his son published another book that I am going to have to get. I will miss getting new books by Mr. Francis. Love his writing style, the excitement, the attention to detail, the gripping story, the interesting and realistic characters. All the things that make a story great I find in his books, love it. I've been having a hard time finding new reading material so I got my stash of Dick Francis books out to re-read, yet again.
The weather is cooling down and the leaves are already turning. Took a walk down by the river with the kids after we picked DD up from school. It was gorgeous - cool, brisk, smells like fall. It was nice since there weren't many people out walking so the kids could run around, roll down the hills. Always a good way for the kids to use up some of their energy, makes bed time a bit easier. Will have to take my camera next time so I can capture the kids, the geese, the herons, the changing colors and the mini gardens with their wild almost fall looks.